Results for 'D. M. Sturtevant'

931 found
  1.  74
    Greek Accents A Short Guide to the Accentuation of Ancient Greek. By J. P. Postgate, Litt.D., F.B.A. Pp. x + 96. London, at the University Press of Liverpool (Hodder and Stoughton), 1924. Cloth, 10s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]E. H. Sturtevant - 1925 - The Classical Review 39 (7-8):195-.
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    Greek Accentuation On Ancient Greek Accentuation. By J. Postgate, Litt.D., F.B.A. From the Proceedings of the British Academy. Vol. XI. Pp. 52. London: at the Oxford University Press (Humphrey Milford), 1925. Paper, 5s. net. [REVIEW]E. H. Sturtevant - 1926 - The Classical Review 40 (02):72-73.
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    Universals: An Opinionated Introduction.Jerrold Levinson & D. M. Armstrong - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (3):654.
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  4. Aristotle on Nature and Living Things. Gotthelf, Allan & D. M. Balme (eds.) - 1985 - Mathesis.
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    Symposium: Complementarity.P. K. Feyerabend & D. M. MacKay - 1958 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 32 (1):75 - 122.
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    Temporal, numerical and meta-level dynamics in argumentation networks.H. Barringer, D. M. Gabbay & J. Woods - 2012 - Argument and Computation 3 (2-3):143-202.
    This paper studies general numerical networks with support and attack. Our starting point is argumentation networks with the Caminada labelling of three values 1=in, 0=out and ½=undecided. This is generalised to arbitrary values in [01], which enables us to compare with other numerical networks such as predator–prey ecological networks, flow networks, logical modal networks and more. This new point of view allows us to see the place of argumentation networks in the overall landscape of networks and import and export ideas (...)
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  7. Virtue and Character.A. D. M. Walker - 1989 - Philosophy 64 (249):349 - 362.
    Moral theories which, like those of Plato, Aristotle and Aquinas, give a central place to the virtues, tend to assume that as traits of character the virtues are mutually compatible so that it is possible for one and the same person to possess them all. This assumption—let us call it the compatibility thesis—does not deny the existence of painful moral dilemmas: it allows that the virtues may conflict in particular situations when considerations associated with different virtues favour incompatible courses of (...)
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    Scrutinizing patterns of solution times in alphabet-arithmetic tasks favors counting over retrieval models.Catherine Thevenot, Jasinta D. M. Dewi, Jeanne Bagnoud, Kim Uittenhove & Caroline Castel - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104272.
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    Estimating the strength of single-ended dislocation sources in micron-sized single crystals.S. I. Rao, D. M. Dimiduk, M. Tang, M. D. Uchic, T. A. Parthasarathy & C. Woodward - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (30):4777-4794.
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  10. Modal and temporal argumentation networks.H. Barringer, D. M. Gabbay & J. Woods - 2012 - Argument and Computation 3 (2-3):203 - 227.
    The traditional Dung networks depict arguments as atomic and study the relationships of attack between them. This can be generalised in two ways. One is to consider various forms of attack, support, feedback, etc. Another is to add content to nodes and put there not just atomic arguments but more structure, e.g. proofs in some logic or simply just formulas from a richer language. This paper offers to use temporal and modal language formulas to represent arguments in the nodes of (...)
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  11.  25
    The Role of the Clinical Ethicist in Conflict Resolution.R. D. Orr & D. M. DeLeon - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (1):21-30.
  12.  18
    Aristotle.A. D. M. Walker - 1988 - Philosophical Books 29 (1):20-22.
  13.  35
    Morality and the Emotions.A. D. M. Walker - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (4):246-248.
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  14. A World of States of Affairs.D. M. Armstrong - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this important study D. M. Armstrong offers a comprehensive system of analytical metaphysics that synthesises but also develops his thinking over the last twenty years. Armstrong's analysis, which acknowledges the 'logical atomism' of Russell and Wittgenstein, makes facts the fundamental constituents of the world, examining properties, relations, numbers, classes, possibility and necessity, dispositions, causes and laws. All these, it is argued, find their place and can be understood inside a scheme of states of affairs. This is a comprehensive and (...)
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  15. What the papers say: Role of hepatic glycolysis and gluconeogenesis in glycogen synthesis.S. J. Pilkis, D. M. Regen, T. H. Claus & A. D. Cherrington - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (6):273-276.
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    Cleeremans, A. 282 Cotman, CW 229 Creary, LG 59 f.(n. 16), 70 (n. 26) Crick, F. 227 Crow, TJ 233.A. A. Abrahamsen, D. M. Armstrong, V. H. Auerbach, R. Avenarius, F. J. Ayala, Ke Von Baer, D. A. Bantz, H. Barlow, E. Buchner & T. Burge - 1992 - In Ansgar Beckermann, Hans Flohr & Jaegwon Kim, Emergence or Reduction?: Prospects for Nonreductive Physicalism. New York: De Gruyter.
  17.  93
    Philosophizing as a Mode of Thinking.E. D. Bliakher & D. M. Volynskaia - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 32 (3):43-57.
    The situation that has evolved in contemporary Marxist philosophy urgently requires self-reflection—the turning of philosophical thought onto itself—and it also presupposes that some effort be expended in reconstructing the foundations of the very mode of philosophizing that is characteristic of our philosophy.
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    The mouse genome at oxford: What can mouse gene mapping do for mammalian genetics?S. D. M. Brown - 1989 - Bioessays 11 (6):191-193.
  19.  25
    High-resolution topographical imaging by direct transmission electron microscopy.A. G. Cullis & D. M. Maher - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (2):447-451.
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    The Thracian camp and the fourth actor at Rhesus 565-691.J. Gould, D. M. Lewis & W. Ritchie - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50:367-373.
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    Probing the evolution of water clusters during hydration of the solid acid catalyst H-ZSM-5.Kenneth D. M. Harris, Mingcan Xu & John Meurig Thomas - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (33):3001-3012.
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  22. Obzor literatury po filosofii, opublikovannoĭ v Respublike Gruzii︠a︡ v 1993-1994 g.D. M. Keburii︠a︡ - 1995 - Tbilisi: Izdatelʹstvo "Met︠s︡niereba.
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    Energy of formation of lattice vacancies in lead from equilibrium resistivity and quenching studies.A. J. Leadbetter, D. M. T. Newsham & N. H. Picton - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (122):371-377.
  24.  25
    Sufficient conditions for the identification of defects which exhibit no generalized cross‐section using computed electron micrographs.W. H. McConnell & D. M. Barnett - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (4):1037-1047.
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    The pufferfish genome: Small is beautiful?Philip Mileham & Stephen D. M. Brown - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (3):153-154.
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    Inclusionality and the Role of Place Space and Dynamic Boundaries in Evolutionary Processes.Alan D. M. Rayner - 2004 - Philosophica 73 (1).
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    Implications of aiming.T. D. M. Roberts - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):622-623.
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    Movement control: Signal or strategy?T. D. M. Roberts - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):563-564.
  29.  15
    The transmission of parameters by neural messages.T. D. M. Roberts - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):159-160.
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  30. The evolution of language: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference (EVOLANG 8).A. D. M. Smith (ed.) - 2010
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    Die onkunde van die Jode en hulle verwerping van die evangelie.D. M. Van Zyl - 1988 - HTS Theological Studies 44 (4).
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    Simon Blackburn. Ruling Passions.A. D. M. Walker - 1999 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 16 (3):301-302.
  33.  37
    Virtue and Knowledge: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Ethics.A. D. M. Walker - 1991 - Philosophical Books 32 (4):210-212.
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  34. (1 other version)A World of States of Affairs.D. M. Armstrong - 1993 - Philosophical Perspectives 7:429-440.
    In this important study D. M. Armstrong offers a comprehensive system of analytical metaphysics that synthesises but also develops his thinking over the last twenty years. Armstrong's analysis, which acknowledges the 'logical atomism' of Russell and Wittgenstein, makes facts the fundamental constituents of the world, examining properties, relations, numbers, classes, possibility and necessity, dispositions, causes and laws. All these, it is argued, find their place and can be understood inside a scheme of states of affairs. This is a comprehensive and (...)
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  35. Truth and truthmakers.D. M. Armstrong - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Truths are determined not by what we believe, but by the way the world is. Or so realists about truth believe. Philosophers call such theories correspondence theories of truth. Truthmaking theory, which now has many adherents among contemporary philosophers, is the most recent development of a realist theory of truth, and in this book D. M. Armstrong offers the first full-length study of this theory. He examines its applications to different sorts of truth, including contingent truths, modal truths, truths about (...)
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  36. (1 other version)A Materialist Theory of the Mind.D. M. Armstrong - 1968 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Ted Honderich.
    Breaking new ground in the debate about the relation of mind and body, David Armstrong's classic text - first published in 1968 - remains the most compelling and comprehensive statement of the view that the mind is material or physical. In the preface to this new edition, the author reflects on the book's impact and considers it in the light of subsequent developments. He also provides a bibliography of all the key writings to have appeared in the materialist debate.
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    Organisms, Agency, and Evolution.D. M. Walsh - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The central insight of Darwin's Origin of Species is that evolution is an ecological phenomenon, arising from the activities of organisms in the 'struggle for life'. By contrast, the Modern Synthesis theory of evolution, which rose to prominence in the twentieth century, presents evolution as a fundamentally molecular phenomenon, occurring in populations of sub-organismal entities - genes. After nearly a century of success, the Modern Synthesis theory is now being challenged by empirical advances in the study of organismal development and (...)
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  38. Universals: an opinionated introduction.D. M. Armstrong - 1989 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    In this short text, a distinguished philosopher turns his attention to one of the oldest and most fundamental philosophical problems of all: How it is that we are able to sort and classify different things as being of the same natural class? Professor Armstrong carefully sets out six major theories—ancient, modern, and contemporary—and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each. Recognizing that there are no final victories or defeats in metaphysics, Armstrong nonetheless defends a traditional account of universals as the (...)
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  39.  6
    Scientific transcendentalism, by D.M.M. D. & Scientific Transcendentalism - 1880
  40. II—Does Knowledge Entail Belief?D. M. Armstrong - 1970 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 70 (1):21-36.
    D. M. Armstrong; II—Does Knowledge Entail Belief?, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 70, Issue 1, 1 June 1970, Pages 21–36,
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    The Heraclea Tablets - Arianna Uguzzoni, Franco Ghinatti: Le tavole greche di Eraclea. (Univ. di Padova, Pubb. Dell'Ist. di Storia Antica, vi.) Pp. 237. Rome: Bretschneider, 1968. Paper. [REVIEW]Anna Morpurgo Davies & D. M. Lewis - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (1):119-122.
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    Robert B. Louden and Paul Schollmeier, eds., The Greeks and Us: Essays in Honor of Arthur W. H. Adkins:The Greeks and Us: Essays in Honor of Arthur W. H. Adkins. [REVIEW]A. D. M. Walker - 1998 - Ethics 108 (4):823-825.
  43. SMART, J. J. C. and WILLIAMS, B. A. O. "Utilitarianism, For and Against". [REVIEW]A. D. M. Walker - 1975 - Mind 84:630.
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  44. The Foundations of Morality JOEL J. KUPPERMAN. [REVIEW]A. D. M. Walker - 1984 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (2):325.
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    New books. [REVIEW]M. Washburn, T. B., M. D., J. L. McIntyre, S. F. & M. S. - 1895 - Mind 4 (14):257-269.
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  46. Is Introspective Knowledge Incorrigible?D. M. Armstrong - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (4):417.
  47. Fitness and function.D. M. Walsh - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (4):553-574.
    According to historical theories of biological function, a trait's function is determined by natural selection in the past. I argue that, in addition to historical functions, ahistorical functions ought to be recognized. I propose a theory of biological function which accommodates both. The function of a trait is the way it contributes to fitness and fitness can only be determined relative to a selective regime. Therefore, the function of a trait can only be specified relative to a selective regime. Apart (...)
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  48. In defence of structural universals.D. M. Armstrong - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (1):85 – 88.
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  49. Mind-Like Behaviour in Artefacts.D. M. Mackay - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (12):352-353.
  50. Meaning and communication.D. M. Armstrong - 1971 - Philosophical Review 80 (4):427-447.
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